

北伊の古都アオスタから訪れる「ピーラ山」でアルプスの名峰を堪能|イタリア|トラベルjp 旅行ガイド

イタリア北西部の山岳リゾート地「アオスタ」。緑溢れる渓谷美が魅力のアオスタ渓谷の中心地です。峠を越えてスイスやフランスへの分岐点だったためローマ時代から栄え、2000年前の歴史ある姿を今に引き継いでいます。 この町外れからゴンドラに乗...

#TuesdayTravels: How about travelling the length and breadth of Switzerland with public transport? This… https://t.co/l5Swwd7oYT

#TuesdayTravels: How about travelling the length and breadth of Switzerland with public transp...

@SelviDhivya Hello, you can find more information about it here: https://t.co/5t4cFn9qLW

@SelviDhivya Hello, you can find more information about it here: Source: スイス観光

@RahulTirthani Hello, please check the visa information requirement on this website: https://t.co/sF7PUVY1E3

@RahulTirthani Hello, please check the visa information requirement on this website: Source:...

RT @newlyswissed: The Appenzell barefoot trail: we can highly recommend this experience that tickles your feet! 👣😆 https://t.co/AGqt8VLt1L…

RT @newlyswissed: The Appenzell barefoot trail: we can highly recommend this experience that t...

@AlexOsterwalder Our favourite sound 🥰

@AlexOsterwalder Our favourite sound 🥰 Source: スイス観光

#FamilyHolidays: Dying for a family trip but in need of a few ideas? Make sure to download our free family trips ap… https://t.co/i1Gnbk5cif

#FamilyHolidays: Dying for a family trip but in need of a few ideas? Make sure to download our...

#SundayFunday: How this for a different way to enjoy the sunset? #IneedSwitzerland #nodrama 📍 @ilovelucerne, 📷… https://t.co/AV4MphKDgJ

#SundayFunday: How this for a different way to enjoy the sunset? #IneedSwitzerland #nodrama &...

#ExcursionTip: Soak up that South Seas feeling on the urban beach in @GeneveTourisme. A pebble beach, wooden swimmi… https://t.co/ntGit27Y5C

#ExcursionTip: Soak up that South Seas feeling on the urban beach in @GeneveTourisme. A pebble...

How about hitting all the heights in Switzerland in 20 days? This is made possible by the Via Alpina – the 390km lo… https://t.co/pU1Uflgir9

How about hitting all the heights in Switzerland in 20 days? This is made possible by the Via ...